
Your Essential Queries

Md Mojahedul Islam
06 Feb, 2023

Schema Markup For Product NewsArticle HowTo Book

Schema markup is a type of structured data that helps search engines better understand the content on a webpage. Here are explanations and examples for four common types of schema markup:

1. Product: The Product schema type is used to provide information about a specific product, such as its name, image, price, and availability. Here's an example:

  1. <script type="application/ld+json">  
  2. {  
  3.   "@context""",  
  4.   "@type""Product",  
  5.   "name""Apple iPhone X",  
  6.   "image""",  
  7.   "description""The latest iPhone with advanced camera and a beautiful edge-to-edge display.",  
  8.   "sku""123456789",  
  9.   "brand": {  
  10.     "@type""Thing",  
  11.     "name""Apple"  
  12.   },  
  13.   "offers": {  
  14.     "@type""Offer",  
  15.     "priceCurrency""USD",  
  16.     "price""999.99",  
  17.     "availability""",  
  18.     "url"""  
  19.   }  
  20. }  
  21. </script>  

2. NewsArticle: The NewsArticle schema type is used to provide information about a news article, such as its headline, date published, and author. Here's an example:

  1. <script type="application/ld+json">  
  2. {  
  3.   "@context""",  
  4.   "@type""NewsArticle",  
  5.   "headline""Breaking News: New Discovery in Space",  
  6.   "datePublished""2022-01-01T12:00:00Z",  
  7.   "description""Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in space that will change the way we understand the universe.",  
  8.   "image""",  
  9.   "author": {  
  10.     "@type""Person",  
  11.     "name""Jane Doe"  
  12.   },  
  13.   "publisher": {  
  14.     "@type""Organization",  
  15.     "name""Example News",  
  16.     "logo": {  
  17.       "@type""ImageObject",  
  18.       "url"""  
  19.     }  
  20.   },  
  21.   "mainEntityOfPage": {  
  22.     "@type""WebPage",  
  23.     "@id"""  
  24.   }  
  25. }  
  26. </script>  

3. HowTo: The HowTo schema type is used to provide information about a step-by-step guide or tutorial, such as its title, steps, and tools required. Here's an example:

  1. <script type="application/ld+json">  
  2. {  
  3.     "@context":"",  
  4.     "@type":"HowTo",  
  5.     "name":"How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee",  
  6.     "description":"Learn how to make a delicious cup of coffee with these easy steps.",  
  7.     "image":"",  
  8.     "totalTime":"PT5M",  
  9.     "step":[  
  10.         {  
  11.             "@type":"HowToStep",  
  12.             "text":"Grind coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency.",  
  13.             "name":"Grind coffee beans",  
  14.             "image":"",  
  15.             "url":""  
  16.         },  
  17.         {  
  18.             "@type":"HowToStep",  
  19.             "text":"Boil water to around 200°F.",  
  20.             "name":"Boil water",  
  21.             "image":"",  
  22.             "url":""  
  23.         },  
  24.         {  
  25.             "@type":"HowToStep",  
  26.             "text":"Place coffee grounds in a filter and add to a coffee maker.",  
  27.             "name":"Add coffee to coffee maker",  
  28.             "image":"",  
  29.             "url":""  
  30.         },  
  31.         {  
  32.             "@type":"HowToStep",  
  33.             "text":"Pour hot water over the coffee grounds and let steep for 4 minutes.",  
  34.             "name":"Steep coffee",  
  35.             "image":"",  
  36.             "url":""  
  37.         },  
  38.         {  
  39.             "@type":"HowToStep",  
  40.             "text":"Pour coffee into a mug and enjoy!",  
  41.             "name":"Enjoy your coffee",  
  42.             "image":"",  
  43.             "url":""  
  44.         }  
  45.     ],  
  46.     "tool":[  
  47.         {  
  48.             "@type":"HowToTool",  
  49.             "name":"Coffee beans"  
  50.         },  
  51.         {  
  52.             "@type":"HowToTool",  
  53.             "name":"Coffee grinder"  
  54.         },  
  55.         {  
  56.             "@type":"HowToTool",  
  57.             "name":"Coffee maker"  
  58.         },  
  59.         {  
  60.             "@type":"HowToTool",  
  61.             "name":"Mug"  
  62.         }  
  63.     ],  
  64.     "supply":[  
  65.         {  
  66.             "@type":"HowToSupply",  
  67.             "name":"Water"  
  68.         }  
  69.     ],  
  70.     "skillLevel":"Beginner",  
  71.     "estimatedCost":"$5",  
  72.     "url":""  
  73. }  
  74. </script>  

4. Book: The Book schema type is used to provide information about a book, such as its name, author, and publication date. Here's an example:

  1. <script type="application/ld+json">  
  2. {  
  3.     "@context":"",  
  4.     "@type":"Book",  
  5.     "name":"To Kill a Mockingbird",  
  6.     "author":{  
  7.         "@type":"Person",  
  8.         "name":"Harper Lee"  
  9.     },  
  10.     "datePublished":"1960-07-11",  
  11.     "description":"A Novel set in the 1930s about a young girl growing up in a small Southern town and learning about racial injustice and tolerance.",  
  12.     "publisher":"J.B. Lippincott & Co.",  
  13.     "isbn":"9780446310789",  
  14.     "image":"",  
  15.     "url":""  
  16. }  
  17. </script>  

The Book schema type includes information such as the book's name, author, publication date, description, publisher, ISBN number, image, and URL. This information can help search engines better understand the content on your page and display it in a more informative and attractive way in search results.
